Because some poop took that lovely idea I had for a blog title last night...

Sunday, April 15, 2012


Hopefully everyone has had an experiance with soap in their lives. Hopefully. Soap is everywhere: in bathrooms, in kitchens, in classrooms.... Soap is a wonderful thing, let's just put that out there. But how much are you paying for your soap? What kind of soap do you buy? Some people could be busting out a good $6-$10 a month for soap! And yeah, soap is a good thing, but you can be paying that much for 6 months people, 6 freaking months. Even more, depending on how much you use. Oh, and there is a LOT of kinds of soap out there. If you're unaware, here's a little breakdown:
1) Hand Soap
Hand soap is like air, it is used whether you like it or not. Hand soap can come in liquid or bar form, like all soaps. The liquid soap can be anywhere between $3-$10 for about 8 oz. But the bar (let's take Ivory bar soap, that stuff has been in my house before I was born) soap is about $1.80 for 3, and that could last almost a year people! That's pretty good, if I do say so myself.
2) Body Wash/Body Soaps
This stuff litters your shower. There's the ones with exfoliating beads, and moisturizing, and acne care, and all sorts of crap. But you can make your own people! And it's pretty cheap. Who doesn't have sugar, oil, and cocoa powder in their house?
Chocolate Goodness Exfoliating/Moisturizing Wash (taken from
-1/2 C. sugar
-1/2 C. olive oil
-1/4 C. cocoa powder (unsweetened)
-1/2 C. brown sugar (packed)
Mix it all in a bowl and put in a jar. It can last for 2-3 weeks. Smells so yummy!!!
3) Acne Wash
Oh gosh, there's so many acne products out there. There's cleanser, exfoliating, for sensitive skin, etc. And if you're like me, you're tried a ton of products. But my favorite (and long lasting) product is from Love Nature NYC. I got a bar of soap from them last year at a farmer's market, and it cost my $8.00 for the bar (and I got three free samples! everyone loves free stuff!) and it's still not even half-way gone! Seriously, get it. You can find it on
Bottom Line: Just get a bar of soap! You don't need to waste your money on stuff that doesn't last long. And plus, our Earth doesn't need to be filled with more plastic bottles that no one seems to recycle (I'm an eco-freak, so...). 'Kay?

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